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Exodus: Empires at War: Book 2
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Exodus: Empires At War
Book 2
Doug Dandridge
This novel is dedicated to writer Poul Anderson. You transported me to world of wonder across the Universe. From Galactic Empires at war, to future spies striving for king and country, I enjoyed your stories of the Polesotechnic League and the Terran Empire. Thanks for the memories.
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Copyright © 2012 Doug Dandridge
All rights reserved.
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For more information on the Exodus Universe, visit http://dougdandridge.net for maps, sketches and other details of this work.
Books by Doug Dandridge
Doug Dandridge’s Author Page at Amazon
Science Fiction
The Exodus Series
Exodus: Empires at War: Book 1
Exodus: Empires at War: Book 2
Exodus: Empires at War: Book 3: The Rising Storm (Coming Spring 2013).
The Deep Dark Well Series
The Deep Dark Well
To Well and Back
Deeper and Darker (coming Summer/Fall 2013)
The Shadows of the Multiverse
Diamonds in the Sand
The Scorpion
The Refuge Series
Refuge: The Arrival: Book 1
Refuge: The Arrival: Book 2
Doppelganger: A Novel of Refuge
The Hunger
Sign up for my Newsletter at Mailchimp to receive news about upcoming projects, releases and promotions.
“Missiles firing,” said the tactical officer.
Captain Dame Mei Lei sat in her command chair, battle armored with helmet nearby. The Jean de Arc bucked slightly as she released a spread of missiles from the starboard tubes. The port threat had been taken care of by the remnants of the fighter force that had originally struck the enemy fleet. They had continued on, accelerating away from the action. Two hundred fighters had swarmed over the enemy force, taking out the three cruisers and the super destroyer pair of that force.
The battle cruiser was now firing on the other force, which was more distant than was thought at first. They had fired as well, and the battle cruiser's fighters were forming a screen between their mother ship and the enemy, waiting for the incoming missiles.
“Missile ETA in fifteen minutes,” said the tactical officer, his voice cracking with tension.
We’ve all been under too much tension for far too long, she thought, watching the holo display.
“I wonder why they haven't thrown their fighters at us,” said Commander Jackson from CIC.
“We don't know enough about the capabilities of those platforms,” said the tactical officer. “They may be too short ranged to be employed against us.”
“Ours could chase us three times around the system,” said Jackson. “I wouldn't assume theirs were any less capable.”
“Maybe they just didn't think of it,” said Sean, his voice flat.
“What did you say, your Majesty?” asked the Captain, wondering if he was being sarcastic.
“What if they didn't think of it,” said Sean, his voice coming alive. “What if they don't think as well as we do? After all, we are the most powerful race in this region of space, able to out think most of the dozens of other sentients in this region. Maybe we are smarter on the average than the Ca’cadasans. Maybe we are better at strategy and tactics than they are.”
“They are more advanced than we are, your Majesty,” said the tactical officer.
“By what,” said Sean. “Maybe a couple of decades. Maybe less. I can tell you that some of the advanced tech I have seen from these demons from our past is similar to what we have on the drawing boards right now. Hell, some of it is in predeployment trials right now.”
“And they were thousands of years ahead of us, thousands of years ago,” said the Captain, nodding her head. “And that time includes a thousand years in transit, without a lot of advancement going on. Now they are only decades ahead of us, if that.”
“They are too big,” said Sean, smiling into the link. “They have rolled over everyone they have ever come in contact with. There was no pressure to advance, while we were involved in the fight of our lives against other powers that were more or less technologically equal to us. In some cases superior. And we continued to advance so we could continue to win.”
“And we learned from those who had ruled this space before us,” said Jackson. “We picked up their tricks, and tech from our friends.”
“They are still really big,” said the tactical officer. “Even if we catch up with them. I think it was Stalin who said quantity has a quality all its own.”
“You know your history, Lt. Commander,” said the Emperor, his eyes glowing. “It will be a fight. But we may have the advantage in smarts. As long as we keep those dumb asses in Parliament out of the way.”
He's coming back to us, thought the Captain, a smile breaking out on her face. He can see hope in the future, and that is lifting him up.
“We have translation ahead,” called out the tactical officer. “Something big.”
The Captain's eyes narrowed. Of course there was so much going on in the near hyperspace to this system that they were having trouble tracking individual ships. But it couldn't be coincidence that the ship was coming in right here, right now. And they were so close to the hyper limit themselves.
“Can you tell whose it is?” she asked the tactical officer, feeling her chest tighten.
“It could be one of our super battleships from the size of it,” said Jackson hopefully. “Or it could be...”
“One of theirs,” said the tactical officer. “Thirty light seconds ahead on our present bearing.”
Cast of Characters
The Exodus III
Admiral Quong Lee: Commander of the Exodus III
Lt. Commander Deborah Blake: com officer
Admiral Molotov: Commander of covering force
Lieutenant Krishnamurta: helm
High Captain Mrrashatana Zzrathrasensi: Commander of Ca’cada pursuit force
Admiral Chang Lee: Fourth grandson of Quong
Chief Engineer Sandra Stoops-Lee: Chang's wife
Science Officer Horace Mgumba
Chief of Security, Jamal Streeter
Head Councilwoman Elizabeth Hampton
The Capital
Emperor Augustine Ogden Lee Romanov I: 31st ruler of the Empire of New Terra. Born Year 933 (67 years old). Crowned in Year 994, after the death of the Emperor Justinian I.
Empress Annastasia Romanov: Wife of Augustine.
Crown Prince Dimetre Ogden Lee Romanov
Princess Amanda: wife of Dimetre
Prime Minister Count Mejoris Jeraviki: Leader of the Lords and Opposition to the Emperor.
Archduke Frederich Mgana: political affiliate of PM
Grand High Admiral Gabriel Len Lenkowski: the Chief of Naval Operations
Field Marshal Betty Parker: Commandant of the Imperial Marine Corps
Grand Marshal Mishori Yamakuri: Army Chief of Staff.
Prince Henry: The Spare.
HIMS Duke Roger Sergiov II (BB 1458)
Chief Petty Officer First Jana Gorbachev: Chief of Laser Ring B.
Petty Of
ficer Martinez
Lt SG “Count” Jasper Bettencourt: Son of a count and friends with Sean.
Lt. Constance Salvatore
Ensign Connie Caldwell
Lt. Commander Bryson Popodopolous
Captain Sebastian Ngano: Captain of the Sergiov.
Lieutenant SG Prince Sean Ogden Lee Romanov: Born Year 971 (29 years old). Fifth child and the third son of the Emperor Augustine Romanov, serving as a weapons officer on HIMS Duke Roger Sergiov II (BB 1458)
HIMS Joan de Arc (HBC 2984)
Captain Dame Mye Lei: Commander of HIMS Joan de Arc (HBC 2984). Member Fourth Fleet Scout Force. Born Year 936 (64 years old).
Commander Xavier Jackson: XO.
HIMS Johann Peterson (DD 26575)/
Dot McArthur, DDF 63587
Lt Commander Maurice von Rittersdorf: Commander HIMS Johann Peterson (DD 26575). Born Year 962 (38 years old). then Commander H VII Destroyer Dot MacArthur.
Lt. SG Katherine Schuler: XO, then commander, Johann Peterson.
Ensign Lasardo: tactical officer
HIMS Seastag (Stealth/Attack 421)
Commander Bryce Suttler: Commander HIMS Seastag (Stealth Attack 421). One of new generation of wormhole sink stealth attacks. Born Year 955 (45 years old).
Lieutenant SG Walter Ngovic. Tactical
The Donut
Doctor Lucille Yu, PhD: Assistant Chief Scientist and engineer of the Donut Project. Born Year 928 (72 years old).
Dr. Rafael Gomez: Negative Matter Engineer.
Dr. Baxter: Chief of Administration.
Sestius IV, F2 Star
Cornelius Walborski: New settler and farmer to frontier world Sestius IV, and member of the local militia. Born Year 973 (27 years old)., from New Detroit, now Neu Romney
Katlyn Walborski: Cornelius’ wife.
Sergeant McFadden: his squad leader
Doctor Jennifer Conway: Physician and fiancé’ of Captain Glen McKinnon.
Captain Glen McKinnon: Captain Imperial Marine Corps.
Senior Sergeant Hogan: Imperial Marine Corps NCO.
Commodore Chung: the system commander
Colonel Klein (Brigadier): Commander of Imperial Army Garrison Sestius at Willoughby (the capital).
Lt. Colonel Samantha Thomas: commander of the independent medium infantry battalion
Captain Laura Montenegro: Battle Fort commander
Corporal Sheila McMurty: militia
Montano Montero: Steadholder
Conundrum III: Sector Four HQ.
Grand Fleet Admiral Duke Taelis Mgonda: Admiral in command of 4th Naval District. Born Year 863 (137 years old).
Field Marshal Maxwell: Sector Four Ground Force Commander.
Captain Henninman (Hen): Adjutant.
Commander Nagaya: Intelligence Officer.
Massadara III: Fleet Base, Port Massadara
Vice Admiral The Countess Esmeralda Gonzalez: System commander.
Major General McKenzie Zhukov: System Army Commander.
Captain Jessica Frazier: Senior system flight officer.
HIMS Archduchess Constance Leonardo
Admiral Sir Gunter Heinrich: Commander Task Group 4.9.
Beria: Admiral Heinrich’s Steward.
Captain Maria Steinman: CO of Leonardo.
Captain Myra Lamborgini: Flag Captain Task Group 4.9.
Major Samuel Baggett: Executive Officer, First of the 789th Infantry (Light), 988th Infantry Division. Born Year 941 (59 years old). (Colonel at Sestius, Frederick defense).
Lieutenant Kreiger: Weapons Officer Under Baggett.
Brigadier General Alphonso Marquett: Interim Commander 789th Infantry.
Sergeant Major Terry Zacharias: Senior NCO in Baggett’s battalion, and on Sestius.
Great Admiral Miierrowanasa M’tinisasitow: Ca’cadasan conquest fleet commander. Born 2843 AD (1,418 years old).
Fraggaraata Zre’ghattasa IX: Emperor of the Ca’cadasan Empire. Born 1940 AD (2,321 years old). Son of the sitting Emperor at the time of human contact, older brother of the Prince killed in human contact.
Pod Leader Klesshakendriakka
Low Admiral Hrisshammartanama
Pod Leader Llillissarada’ing
Archduke Horatio Alexanderopolis: His Imperial Majesty’s Ambassador to the Court of the Elysium Empire. Born Year 821 (179 years old).
High Lord Grarakakak, Brakakak: High Lord of Elysium Empire.
HICS (His Imperial Czar’s Ship) Ekaterina
Lt. Commander Kathomas Hubbard: Commander.
Ahmadhi-ghasta Mallakan: Grand High Bishop of Lasharan Jakarja Lashana (Church of the Gods Vengeful). Born Year 915 (85 years old).
Ensign Mark O’Brien: copilot fighter Heraklion III
2151 AD: Hiro Yamamoto discovers subspace portal generator. Opens subspace dimension to transport of human colonists.
2160 AD: Alpha Centauri B4 colony established.
2173 AD: Tau Ceti III colony established.
2208 AD: Humanity has spread to eight inhabitable systems within 20 light years of Sol.
2250 AD: 12 million humans living outside of the solar system.
2254 AD: First contact with Ca’cadasans on Epsilon Iridani V. Human colony destroyed without warning or trace. Incoming ship discovers colony destroyed and runs back to human space with news.
2256 AD: Human colony at Altair V attacked and destroyed.
2257 AD: United Solar System Fleet established to fight alien threat.
2260 AD: Battle of Tau Ceti, humans meet Ca’cadasans with a five to one advantage in mass and are handily defeated.
2261 AD: Construction started on the six Exodus ships to allow some of humanity to make it to safety outside of human space.
2264 AD: Ca’cadasans, having destroyed all of humanity’s colonies, attack the solar system in force. Five completed Exodus ships attempt to leave the system under heavy escort. Two are destroyed before they can make it into subspace. Two enter subspace with pursuit, while Exodus III makes a clean breakaway into subspace.
2264 - 3260 AD: The Long Voyage. With several fueling stops and explorations, Exodus III travels along the galactic rim and toward the core, traversing 9,760 light years from Sol.
3261 AD: Supersystem discovered, along with remains of ancient civilization that had once owned it. First human colony founded on Jewel. Year 1 of New Human Empire.
3268 AD (Year 8): Humans make contact with traveling merchant ship from Elysium Empire. Discover thriving civilizations that sprung from the ancient civilization that used to inhabit the Supersystem.
3361 AD (Year 100): Population 2,000,000+. Establishment of the Fleet.
3460 AD (Year 199): Beginning of Terraforming projects around super system.
3573 to 3579 AD (Year 312 to 318): First Gardasian War, human victory.
3589 to 3592 AD (Year 328 to 331): Second Gardasian War, human victory, Gardasian race absorbed into human empire.
3619 to 3621 AD (Year 358 to 361): First Markanan War, human victory.
3669 to 3676 AD (Year 408 to 415): Second Markanan War, human victory, Markanans absorbed into human empire.
3696 to 3698 AD (Year 435 to 437): Kiniman War, Kiniman race absorbed into the human empire.
3724 to 3733 AD (Year 463 to 472): First Crakastan War, human victory.
3744 to 3762 AD (Year 483 to 501): First Lasharan War, human victory.
3772 to 3784 AD (Year 511 to 523): Second Lasharan War, human victory.
3797 to 3801 AD (Year 536 to 540): First Margravi War, human victory.
3803 to 3808 AD (Year 542 to 547): War of Revolt, Imperial Victory, 150 million humans leave Empire to found Republic of Mankind.
3809 to 3814 AD (Year 548 to 553): Civil War, Constance the Great triumphs over Cassius the Terrible (II).
3815 AD (Year 554): New Constitution establishes Constitutional Monarchy. (Bill of Freedoms add
ed in Year 607).
3841 to 3846 AD (Year 585 to 590). Machine Revolt. Human built autonomous robots rebel against humanity. Billions die before revolt stopped, Man in the Loop Law enacted.
3848 to 3853 AD (Year 587 to 592). Second Crakastan War, human victory.
3873 to 3876 AD (Year 612 to 615): Third Cracastan War, human victory.
3892 to 3897 AD (Year 631 to 635): Second Margravi War, human victory, ends with alliance of Margravi and Klashak with human empire.
3913 to 3936 AD (Year 652 to 673): First Galactic War (against Lashar, Crakasta and Fenri).
3984 AD (Year 723): Donut Project approved and construction planning begins.
3984 to 4000 AD (Year 723 to 739): Elysium War, marginal human victory.
4007 to 4008 AD (Year 746 to 747): War of Man, humanity (Imperium) against humanity (Republic). Political pressures bring an end to short, sharp war.
4009 to 4114 AD (Year 748 to 853): The Century of Peace. Empire involved in no extra empire or border hostilities.
4065 AD (Year 804): Dissidents from New Terra Republic found the Grand Duchy of New Moscow.
4114 to 4131 AD (Year 853 to 870): Second Galactic War, Elysium, Lashar and Fenri against Empire, New Terra and Margrave/Klashak, human victory.
4167 to 4180 AD (Year 906 to 921): Third Galactic War, humanity's victory.
4206 to 4216 AD (Year 945 to 955): Klang Consortium attacks New Moscow. Empire of Terra and Republic of New Terra come in on New Moscow’s side.
4256 AD (Year 985): Donut Generates first working wormhole gate.
4261 AD (Year 1000): Empire celebrates 1000 years of existence and growth.